Standards Adhered to:
- Fall Arrest

Paint Group is proud to report not one injury in all our years of service. Our experiences have enabled us to produce our own safety programs along with following in-house plant rules and those of the ‘Construction Safety Associations of Ontario’. We work closely with all our clients and attend all orientation and meetings provided at the client site to ensure our safety goals are aligned.
Being an environmentally aware company we offer alternative services to help preserve the environment in both the removal and cleaning processes. This includes the recovery of lead and steel grit, as well as using dry ice and baking soda which are more environmentally friendly substances.
The warranty Paint Group offers is designed to protect the owner against defective workmanship of materials for a period specified in the quotation. Although useful service life of the applied system is usually well beyond the warranty agreement, it is generally accepted that profound defects, if any, will surface in the first 6 to months of the application. Our warranty provides for a re-inspection and correction of any deficiencies.