Food Processing Industry

Demand for more products, changes in technology and the ability to store and process foods that were once discarded, have limited the traditional shut down times to a few hours, if at all. And often being a chemically aggressive environment, food processors face strict health regulations and corrosion problems inherent to the industry.

Paint Group understands these requirements and tailors maintenance painting programs around these conditions. Much of the needs in this industry are the restoration and/or protection of concrete floors/walls, containment areas, traffic zones from chemicals, bacteria and abrasion. With attention to surface preparation and the selection of proper coatings, your equipment will become assets again.

Paint Group also recognizes that equipment cleaning and debris removal can also be a maintenance issue. In using the same ideology explained above, we can maximize your equipment’s production by the removal of unwanted build up through the use of dry ice non-abrasive cleaning systems.

Whether it is the maintenance of sensitive components or production equipment Paint Group has the knowledge on how to approach these problems with the utmost confidence. As a CAPP client, you will be able to achieve and maintain HACCP standards. In addition, future maintenance of other equipment or areas will be handled in the same manner and expertise as the first time.